Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Religious Liberty

Religious discrimination is taking place all over the world. Many other countries do not allow the population to read sacred scripture, follow the teachings of, or worship the God of their choice. North Korea punishes any practice of religious liberty by death or imprisonment. Central Asia will raid any home if there is suspicion of that home possessing a Bible. I could go on-and-on with examples of this world-wide. However, there is a major concern about Religious discrimination right here in our own land, the United States of America. In many states the Bible is not allowed to be mentioned, or referenced, by any public school teacher. Recently, Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran was fired for exercising his First Amendment right to speak his biblical convictions. These type of cases may seem few but the reality is they are growing at rapid speed. In the state of Georgia we are in danger of losing our religious liberty. Let me share with you some examples of what I'm talking about.

  • College officials revoke club status of a student-led Christian group, labeling a foot washing service at their retreat as "hazing."
  • Denial of After-School Bible Club in Banks County, GA. One individual requested permission to begin an after-school Bible club at schools within the District. The school board denied the request even though the necessary documentation was provided to use school facilities. However, the school district permitted other groups, such as the Boy Scouts, to use school facilities for their meetings.
  • Distribution of free religious literature. Pine Mountain Library denied the right to place free Bibles in a library which allowed community materials to be distributed.
  • A Church was denied a zoning exception to locate next to a sexually oriented business. The sexually oriented business challenged the exception as being detrimental to its business.
  • There are restrictions on public prayer in Ellijay, GA.
These are just a few of many cases that are taking place right here in the state of Georgia.
State Rep. Sam Teasley (R-37) has filed legislation (again) in the Georgia General Assembly that will offer Georgians the same protections already afforded to 30 other states. Georgia needs to have it's own Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) to protect its citizens from discrimination by their local and state governments. The RFRA will help protect...

  • Churches, synagogues, and other houses of worship when local government actions deny permits to use or build facilities on unequal terms with secular buildings.
  • Church ministries who have faced bans by local governments on ministries that help ex-prisoners or to feed the homeless.
  • Public school students who face discipline for refusing school assignments that they consider blasphemous.
  • Public school students who face discipline for wearing religious symbols or other religious clothing to school.
  • Home school parents who object to difficult state regulations on the education of their children.
Now that a new session has begun, the two bill sponsors will introduce new bills for the 2015 Legislative Session and Christians need to be ready to provide calls and emails to express support of this. In the House, the bill number is HB29. The bill number for the Senate will be decided soon. To stand for and support this legislation, contact the most important leaders in the Georgia State Government and let them know you want the Preventing Government Overreach on Religious Expression Act passed. Below is the proper contact information.

  • Speaker of the House David Ralston's Office: (404) 656-5020, david.ralston@house.ga.gov
  • Lt. Governor Casey Cagle's Office: (404) 656-5030, http://ltgov.georgia.gov/contact-lt-governor
  • Governor Nathan Deal's Office: (404) 656-1776, http://gov.georgia.gov/webform/contact-governor-domestic-form
Please remember to always be kind and courteous. We always want to keep our testimony and witness for Christ. Many lawmakers (in Georgia) are supportive of the religious liberty bill, but they need to hear from you. We as Christians can not sit quiet and allow our freedom of religious to be taken away from us.

Pray and ask God to do something only He can do...change hearts and change lives.

Nick Kudyk

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