Monday, October 14, 2013

Pastor Appreciation

I was having a conversation with a couple of our staff members this morning and the topic of October being Pastor Appreciation Month came up. In our discussion I asked the question, "Who came up with Pastor Appreciation Month?" As I reflected on that question a little more, I began to think to myself, how does a church member show, or demonstrate, appreciation for their Pastor? So I jotted some thoughts down and thought I would share with you, how a member can show appreciation to their Pastor. First, don't confine your appreciation to one month out of twelve. Doing ministry together is a twelve months a year thing. There are many times during the rest of the year that your Pastor struggles, works hard with helping the flock, puts in hours when everyone else is sleeping and he gets physically, emotionally, and spiritually worn out. Showing appreciation to him throughout the year can go a long way in encouraging, strengthening, and supporting him. Second, whatever you do to demonstrate appreciation, make sure it's from your heart. Pastor's know their flock and they can detect if it's sincere or not. Sometimes people demonstrate appreciation out of obligation, maybe because someone else did, or they are trying to woo the Pastor. The act of appreciation is no where as important as the motive behind it. Your heart is what matters to your Pastor. Last, being a Biblical church member is the best way to show appreciation to your Pastor. A Pastor knows he can't do it all. Ministry is a team effort and it needs everyone doing their part. The Pastor can't, and can't be expected, to do it all. God have us all different gift sets, talents, and abilities. Each member, including the Pastor, needs to appreciate each other and function together. So there it is. If you love your Pastor listen to the heart of one and go for it.

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