Tuesday, December 10, 2013


As I write this, my heart is very heavy and hurting. I was in Youth Ministry for many years and during those years God allowed me to build some lasting and meaningful relationships. I can't recall the name of every student, parent, or adult volunteer that was a part of the ministries God blessed me with. However, I can recall many who I had, and continue to have, meaningful relationships with. One of the greatest parts of Youth Ministry is when a student has parents, or at least one parent, who cared enough to be involved in the lives of their kids. It was a joy to come alongside parents and help them with the spiritual development of their kids. Some parents you forget, not intentionally, and there are some you never forget. I recall two families I will never forget. These two families were a vital part of our youth ministry and our church as a whole.

Back in 2005 my family moved to Valdosta, GA where God opened the door for us to be on staff at Northside Baptist Church. In 2007 I received a phone call, from a former church member in Florida that the mother of two former students of mine had committed suicide. For many days I thought I was dreaming. This lady was a youth worker, church pianist/organist. Law school graduate. Her husband was a prominent attorney in town yet something was wrong. She had fallen sick shortly after we moved and almost lost her life. Although she recovered enough to function with her family and church family, she never seemed to have fully recovered. She got to the point in her life where she felt hopeless and taking her own life was the only way out.

Today, December 10th, 2013, I received another phone call. As I was listening to the person on the other end, I again felt I was dreaming. The voice on the phone said, "Nick, Mrs.____________ took her own life." I sat there speechless for what seemed like thirty minutes. This family was known throughout the same community as the previous lady I told you about. She was a middle school teacher for many years. Her children had grown up in our church in Florida. Her and her husband were strong supporters of our Youth & College Ministry. Her daughter is engaged and she was supposed to go dress shopping with her next weekend. What I was told by the voice on the other end was that she had been experiencing a lot of pain and was having a hard time at work. No doubt, just like the previous lady, she had gotten to the point of feeling hopeless.

I have been asked many times throughout the years, "Nick, do you know what it's like to feel hopeless?" And I have to be real honest and say, "No." I do know what it's like to feel helpless. However, I have never had a moment in my life where I felt hopeless. I pray to God on a regular basis that I never get to the point where I feel this way. Hopelessness has got to be the most miserable place to be. If hopelessness can bring a person to the point of taking their own life, I ask God to please protect me from ever getting to that place.

Ever since I heard this news this morning these words have been on my heart and mind:
My hope is built on nothing less 
than Jesus' blood and righteousness. 
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, 
but wholly lean on Jesus' name

On Christ the solid rock I stand, 
all other ground is sinking sand; 
all other ground is sinking sand.

When Darkness hides his lovely face, 
I rest on his unchanging grace. 
In every high and stormy gale, 
my anchor holds within the veil. 

Let me encourage all of you with this; if you ever begin feeling hopeless, PLEASE lean on Jesus. This is done by finding someone who can help you. God loves you and people love you. I know there are times you feel no one does but I PROMISE YOU THEY DO.